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  • EMC
  • Creative House
  • EMC Electronic Marketing Communication System
    EMC Is the new marketing strategy innovated by Ads Agency which can be used to promote any business effectively. Combining the concept of IMC ( Integrated Marketing Communication ), CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ), Database Marketing with E-Solution, EMC can build the success for any business over the period of time. Objectives of EMC is to Strengthen Brand Identity and Increase Brand Awareness among target groups. Also, EMC will support positive relations between the company and current customers while company can reduce operating cost effectively comparing to the traditional ways.

    Better Client Service
        - 24/7 Accessible from anywhere
        - Security Administrative Log In System
    Effective Marketing
        - Useful Data Analysis
        - Grouped & Mass mailing
        - Optimizing long term relationship with customer
        - Automatic Reminding System
    Low Cost Administration
        - Centralized control
        - Limited installation issues- Cost effective tools
    Interactive Analysing
        - Realtime report on database
        - Easy to Understand

    * To get more details about EMC please click here
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