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new market wave Customer Successes
Nushape "Dream Shape is not the dream" with
The Client
In November 2001, Emperich Co.,Ltd., the Health Care Product Distributor in Thailand are planning to capture additional market share for their dietary products "Nushape" As known that there are very high competitiveness in this market area. Emperich realizes that to gain more market share than other competitors, they needed to build credibility and make the market aware of its product qualities.

The Strategy
Emperich targeted the group aged between 23-32 to be a prospect. So they started to communicate to these targeted group through the traditional channel Media such as newspapers and TV. The Adagency has found what would be the best combination for their marketing plan. We then plotted the new online strategy called "EMC" (Electronic Marketing Communication) along with the online promotion to co-operate with the traditional one. What is EMC does for them is to offer their prospects the "2 way communications:. It is very convenient for the prospects who currently seeing the media ads to send back the feedback along with the useful information to the company. Even More, EMC also offers the additional function to analyze the incoming data which will be very useful for the company management. For the online promotion, Adagency has selected the right online media based on the demographic and sychographic specified by Emperich on our company database to promote the campaign to the prospects.

The Results
Not over 2 months later, Emperich has been satisfied with the campaign success. Thay have received over 4,000 registration and over 15,000 visitors through web site. Over 75% comes from the Adagency online promotion campaign.
Now, Emperich are setting the membership program for all the registrants. You see how valuable that over 4,000 registrants are!
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